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Syntactic Ergativity

Maria Polinsky

Maria Polinsky

University of Maryland, USA

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This chapter presents the phenomenon of syntactic ergativity (SE), defined as the grouping of the absolutive subject and absolutive object into a natural class, to the exclusion of the ergative argument, with respect to A′-movement. Two families of approaches to SE can be distinguished: those which place the explanatory burden on the derivation of the absolutive, and those which invoke the properties of the ergative expression to explain SE. For the first family of approaches, which include explanations based on locality and A′-movement for case, the exclusion of the ergative from A′-movement is a side effect of satisfying Case-licensing needs of the absolutive. In the second type of approach, the restriction on A′-movement of the ergative follows either from criterial freezing or from the adpositional-phrase nature of the ergative. The approaches converge on the notion that ergative is an inherent case, assigned either by a verbal head or by an adposition selected by a v head.

1 Introduction

1.1 Morphological and syntactic ergativity

Linguists have long classified languages according to the ways in which their intransitive subjects, transitive subjects, and direct objects align with respect to case marking and/or agreement. The two main divisions are known as the (nominative–)accusative and ergative(–absolutive) alignments. Under an accusative alignment pattern, the intransitive subject (abbreviated here as S) and the transitive subject (A: for agent, or agent-like argument) are encoded the same way (nominative), while the transitive direct object (O) is encoded separately (accusative). Under an ergative alignment pattern, on the other hand, S and O have identical encoding (absolutive) while A has its own separate case (ergative); see Comrie (1978); Dixon (1979; 1994); Manning (1996); Aldridge (2008); McGregor (2009); among others. These alignments can be expressed not only through case marking but also through agreement; S and A may determine the same agreement, in contrast to O, or S and O may license the same agreement, in contrast to A. The two alignment patterns are illustrated in (1):

(1) image

Examples (2) and (3) illustrate accusative and ergative alignment as expressed by case marking, otherwise known as dependent marking (see Nichols 1986 on the opposition between dependent-marking and head-marking languages).1

(2) Japanese
a. Kodomo‑tati‑ga Tokyo‑ni sun‑de i‑ta.
child‑pl‑nom.[S] Tokyo‑loc live‑gerund be‑pst
‘The children lived in Tokyo.’
b. Sensei‑tati‑ga nihongo‑o hanasi‑ta.
teacher‑pl‑nom.[A] Japanese‑acc.[O] speak‑pst
‘The teachers spoke Japanese.’
(3) Niuean
a. Kua nofo e tau fānau i Niue.
pfv live [abs pl children].[S] in Niue
‘The children lived in Niue.’
b. Kua fakaaoga he tau faiaoga e vagahau niue.
pfv speak [erg pl teacher].[A] [abs language Niue].[O]
‘The teachers spoke the Niuean language.’

Examples (4) and (5) illustrate the expression of alignment through verbal agreement, that is, head marking. Note that in these latter examples, the DPs appear without any overt case markers. In the Palauan examples, both S and A are indexed by the marker ng on the verb while agreement with the O argument is different (-ii); hence, the pattern is accusative. In the Abkhaz examples, the S and O arguments determine absolutive agreement on the verb, and the agreement with the A is different, which leads to the ergative pattern.

(4) Palauan
a. Ng merael a chais er a beluu.
3sg.[S] go det news prp det area
‘A rumor is going around.’
(Nuger 2010, 45)
b. Ng mo kol‑ii a bobai pro.
3sg.[A] aux.fut eat.pfv‑3sg.[O] det papaya
‘He is going to eat (up) the papaya.’
(Nuger 2010, 87)
(5) Abkhaz
a. A‑ts′gwǝ Ø‑psǝ‑ø‑jt′.
det‑cat 3sg.abs.[S]‑die‑pst‑fin
‘The cat died.’
(Hewitt 2005, 39)
b. A‑ab′dǝw a‑χwǝ′tʃ′ǝ a‑′χjǝ
det‑grandfather det‑child det‑gold
‘Grandfather gave the child (the) gold.’
(Keenan 2013, 5)

The expression of ergative alignment through case marking and/or agreement is known as morphological ergativity, because of the visible morphological realization. However, the contrast between accusative and ergative alignment can also be found beyond morphology, in the differential behavior of S and O, on the one hand, and A, on the other, with respect to various syntactic phenomena. This is the notion of syntactic ergativity, a preliminary definition of which is given below:

(6) Syntactic ergativity: Take 1
The presence of syntactic rules that group S and O (the absolutive) together, to the exclusion of A (the ergative)

The basic pattern of syntactic ergativity is illustrated below for the Polynesian language Tongan. In Tongan, the absolutive DP can relativize leaving a gap at the extraction site, but relativization of the ergative DP requires that a resumptive pronoun ne appear in the relative clause. Without that resumptive pronoun, the relativization of the ergative DP is impossible. Consider the following examples:2

(7) a. Baseline intransitive sentence:
‘Oku malimali ‘a e ta'ahine.
prs smile abs det girl
‘The girl is smiling.’
b. Relativization of the absolutive subject with a gap:
‘a e ta'ahinei [‘oku malimali ____i]
abs det girl prs smile
‘the girl who is smiling’
(8) a. Baseline transitive sentence:
‘Oku ‘ene ‘e he tamasi'i ‘a e ta'ahine.
prs tickle erg det boy abs det girl
‘The boy is tickling the girl.’
b. Relativization of the absolutive object with a gap:
‘a e ta'ahinei [‘oku ‘ene ‘e he tamasi'i ____i]
abs det girl prs tickle erg det boy
‘the girl whom the boy is tickling’
c. Relativization of the ergative subject without a resumptive pronoun:
*‘a e tamasi'ii [‘oku ‘ene ____i ‘a e ta'ahine]
abs det boy prs tickle abs det girl
(‘the boy who is tickling the girl’)
d. Relativization of the ergative subject with a resumptive pronoun:
‘a e tamasi'ii [‘oku nei ‘ene ‘a e ta'ahine]
abs det boy prs rp tickle abs det girl
‘the boy who is tickling the girl’

Contrast this pattern with the pattern of extraction observed in Basque, where both the ergative argument and the absolutive argument can leave a gap at the extraction site (Hualde and Ortiz de Urbina 2003, 774). Thus, all three core arguments undergo A′-movement in the same manner, leaving a gap at the extraction site:

(9) a. Baseline intransitive sentence:
Haur guzti‑a‑k eskapa‑tzen dira.
children all‑det‑pl escape‑ipfv aux
‘All the children run away.’
b. ABS subject extracts with a gap at the extraction site:
[____i eskapa‑tzen dir‑en] haur guzti‑a‑ki
escape‑ipfv aux‑adn children all‑det‑pl
‘all the children that run away’
(10) a. Baseline transitive sentence:
Mutiko‑a‑k pinguinu‑a‑Ø garbi‑tzen du.
boy‑det‑erg penguin‑det‑abs wash‑ipfv aux
‘The boy is washing the penguin.’
b. ABS object extracts with a gap at the extraction site:
[mutiko‑a‑k ____i garbi‑tzen du‑en] pinguinu‑ai
boy‑det‑erg wash‑ipfv aux‑adn penguin‑det
‘the penguin that the boy is washing’
c. ERG subject extracts with a gap at the extraction site:
[____i pinguinu‑a‑Ø garbi‑tzen du‑en] mutiko‑ai
penguin‑det‑abs wash‑ipfv aux‑adn boy‑det
‘the boy that is washing the penguin’
(Gutierrez‑Mangado and Ezeizabarrena 2012)

1.2 Setting the boundaries

Several questions arise at this point, including a number that are beyond the scope of this chapter. The first question has to do with the relationship between morphological and syntactic ergativity: is the expression of syntactic ergativity limited to morphologically ergative languages? To anticipate the discussion below, the answer is yes. There are morphologically ergative languages that do not show any syntactic ergativity, but there seem to be no instances of syntactic ergativity beyond the realm of morphologically ergative languages.

A second question has to do with the extent to which a language embraces syntactic ergativity: can a language be completely syntactically ergative or completely syntactically accusative? Researchers have shown that the postulation of a global contrast between syntactically accusative and syntactically ergative languages is too simplistic (see especially Kazenin 1994 for criticism of such a contrast). However, there are certain syntactic phenomena that repeatedly group S and O together to the exclusion of A, and thus deserve consideration. Such phenomena and their explanations are the focus of this chapter. Explaining syntactic ergativity also requires us to seek an answer to a third question: can we predict whether a language will be syntactically ergative or syntactically accusative? At present, we are not in a position to make such predictions; however, existing accounts of syntactic ergativity have established some correlations that may bring us closer to a satisfying predictive account.

This chapter is structured as follows. Section 2 introduces the phenomenon of “narrow syntactic ergativity,” manifested in A′-movement restrictions, and compares this narrow conception to broader notions sometimes represented in the literature under the same name. Sections 3 and 4 present and analyze the main explanatory approaches to syntactic ergativity. They differ in their understanding of the main obstacle preventing A′-movement of the ergative: some scholars attribute this limitation to properties of the ergative argument itself, while others see it as simply a side effect of certain properties of the absolutive argument. Approaches which derive syntactic ergativity from properties of the absolutive are presented in section 3; approaches deriving syntactic ergativity from properties of the ergative are reviewed in section 4. Section 5 asks whether syntactic ergativity can occur without morphological ergativity. Section 6 summarizes the main points made in this chapter.

2 Syntactic ergativity: the phenomenon

2.1 Syntactic ergativity in the narrow sense

The notion of syntactic ergativity adopted in the bulk of this chapter refers specifically to the inability of an ergative argument to be extracted with a gap under A′-movement; that is, under relativization, wh-movement, focus movement, and topicalization.3 There are several reasons to restrict the notion of syntactic ergativity in this way, rather than adopting the more inclusive approach to be discussed at the end of this section.

First, at least one form of A′-movement, relativization, is normally detectable without an in-depth syntactic analysis; it seems a reasonable assumption that relative clauses are either universal or at least very common. This does not mean that all relative clauses are built alike, but we have accumulated a set of clear diagnostics that allow us to test the analyses available (see Bianchi 2002; Hulsey and Sauerland 2006; and further references therein). In other words, relativization is easily visible, unlike some other operations.

Second, A′-phenomena rely on basic structure-building mechanisms, and further grammatical operations can use the result of extraction as their input. Different linguistic theories capture this intuition differently. In unification-based frameworks such as Manning (1996), it is common to distinguish between grammatical relations and thematic (argument) structure, with A′-phenomena (usually just relativization, wh-question formation, and sometimes topicalization) being representative of the former. In his discussion of ergative structures, Manning emphasizes that ergative languages are particularly useful for showing that grammatical relations and argument structure have to be dissociated.

In minimalist syntax (Chomsky 1995; 2001), extraction is accounted for under Move (strictly speaking, copying or internal re-Merge of a previously merged syntactic object). Together with Agree and external Merge, Move is part of the narrow syntax (see Safir 2008 for further discussion). The output of narrow syntax is then sent to the two interfaces, phonological and semantic, in order to provide both sound and meaning. Processes such as anaphoric binding or coreference across clauses are part of those components of grammar that lie outside of narrow syntax and may be subject to different constraints (we will return to this issue at the end of this section).

We can thus modify the narrow definition of syntactic ergativity as follows:

(11) Syntactic ergativity: Take 2
The grouping of S and O (absolutive arguments) together, to the exclusion of A (ergative), with respect to accessibility to A′‑movement

Although relativization, focusing, wh-question formation, and topicalization are all types of A′-movement, the ergative argument does not always behave identically in each of those constructions within a single ergative language. In particular, several strategies other than A′-movement exist for the formation of wh-questions and focus structures. The questioned or focused elements can remain in situ, in which case their syntax is different from the syntax of relative clauses and scrambled topics, or these structures may be formed using clefts or pseudoclefts, as in (12):

(12) [Who] is it [CP that you are talking about]?

Clefts and pseudoclefts are biclausal structures which include a relative clause (see the CP in (12)); therefore, we can in principle expect to find the same constraints that we find under relativization. However, relative clauses used in clefts are headless, and it is possible for a language to use movement for headed relatives and a non-movement strategy for headless relatives (see Caponigro 2003 for a cross-linguistic overview of headless relatives). In that case, wh-questions and focus expressions may still be free of syntactic ergativity.

Topicalization, too, need not necessarily involve movement. Instead, a base-generated topic may be coindexed with a copy in the lower clause; this copy may be silent (a null pronominal), in which case the difference between a base-generated topic, shown in (13), and a scrambled topic, shown in (14), is difficult to detect without additional syntactic diagnostics.

(13) [TopP Topici [TP …. XPi/proi …]
(14) [TopP Topici [TP …. ti …]

Even in languages where both wh-questions and relativization involve movement, these phenomena may still not consistently diagnose syntactic ergativity. In the Paleo-Siberian language Chukchi, for example, the ergative expression can undergo wh-movement with a gap but cannot relativize with a gap. Compare the following contrast between the grammatical wh-question of the ergative subject in (16) and the ungrammatical relative clause in (17a) where the ergative is relativized with a gap:


Baseline sentence:

ǝnpǝnačg‑e milger kun‑nin.
old man‑erg gun.abs buy‑aor.3sg.sbj.3sg.obj
‘The old man bought a gun.’
(16) a. Wh‑question of the ergative:
Mikǝne milger kun‑nin?
who.erg gun.abs buy‑aor.3sg.sbj.3sg.obj
‘Who bought a/the gun?’
b. Wh‑question of the absolutive:
Req‑ǝn ǝnpǝnačg‑e kun‑nin?
what‑abs old man‑erg buy‑aor.3sg.sbj.3sg.obj
‘What did the old man buy?’
(17) a. Relativization of the ergative:
*[____i milger kǝnnǝ‑lʔ‑ǝn] ǝnpǝnačg‑ǝni
gun.abs buy‑ptcp‑abs old man‑abs
(‘the old man who bought the gun’)
b. Relativization of the absolutive:
[____i ǝnpǝnačg‑e kǝnnǝ‑lʔ‑ǝn] milgeri
old man‑erg buy‑ptcp‑abs gun.abs
the gun that an/the old man bought’

Given the contrast between (16a) and (17a), it is natural to wonder whether the question in (16a) actually involves movement, or whether it is a wh-in-situ in disguise. At least two arguments support the movement analysis. First, Chukchi has rather free word order in root clauses, and the ergative can appear following the scrambled object. However, the wh-word is not acceptable in that position (consider also the word order in (16b), where the wh-object is fronted):

(18) a. Milger ǝnpǝnačg‑e/*mikǝne kun‑nin.
gun.abs old man‑erg/*who.erg buy‑aor.3sg.sbj.3sg.obj
b. Milger kun‑nin ǝnpǝnačg‑e/*mikǝne.
gun.abs buy‑aor.3sg.sbj.3sg.obj old man‑erg/*who.erg
‘The old man bought a/the gun.’ NOT: ‘Who bought a/the gun?’

Second, the wh-word is impossible in adjunct islands or inside a relative clause. Compare the well-formed relative clause with the absolutive object gap in (17b) and the ungrammatical sequence below. The ungrammaticality of (19) indicates that the licensing of a wh-word is sensitive to movement constraints:

(19) *[____i mikǝne kǝnnǝ‑lʔ‑ǝn] milgeri
who.erg buy‑ptcp‑abs gun.abs
(‘the gun that who bought?’)

All things considered, relativization is the most reliable test of syntactic ergativity, since it allows for cross-linguistic comparison even when the behavior of ergative DPs in other A′-processes is not uniform.

2.2 How common is syntactic ergativity?

The answer to this question is inevitably tentative, since we know less about ergative languages than we do about nominative–accusative languages, and our sample of ergative languages is relatively small. In addition, syntactic ergativity is more difficult to identify than morphological ergativity. To quote Haig, “[e]stablishing the presence of syntactic ergativity … is considerably more difficult … [and] is hampered by a number of practical and theoretical obstacles” (Haig 1998, 151).

Still, it is possible to offer some initial considerations. A cursory look at morphologically ergative languages shows that the phenomenon of syntactic ergativity is widespread: in the World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) sample of 32 morphologically ergative languages, Comrie (2008) and Comrie and Kuteva (2008) list only 12 languages that have subject relativization with a gap (and hence may lack syntactic ergativity): Bawm, Burushaski, Chukchi, Lower Grand Valley Dani, West Greenlandic, Hunzib, Ingush, Lezgian, Tukang Besi, Ngiyambaa, Pitjantjatjara, and Wardaman. But even in the group of 12, the actual number of languages where ergative relativizes with a gap is even smaller, for the following reason. For the purposes of WALS, subject extraction subsumes the extraction of both the absolutive (intransitive subject) and the ergative (transitive subject). The 12 morphologically ergative languages without apparent syntactic ergativity all allow the extraction of the absolutive subject with a gap, but only a subset have ergative extraction with a gap.4

We have already seen that Chukchi does not allow direct extraction of the ergative with a gap; instead, it requires that the clause be detransitivized (via antipassivization) before extraction of the subject can take place. (More discussion of antipassivization will be given in section 2.3.) After detransitivization, the extracted DP is not in the ergative case, but in the absolutive, and the absolutive can leave a gap at the extraction site. Lower Grand Valley Dani and West Greenlandic also require antipassivization as a way of mediating the restriction on A′-movement of the ergative.

External arguments in the Austronesian language Tukang Besi may in fact be topics rather than ergative subjects, in which case their ability to extract is irrelevant to the diagnosis of syntactic ergativity. Tukang Basi follows the subject-only restriction commonly found in the Austronesian family, regardless of alignment. Under the subject-only restriction, the only DP argument that can be extracted by A′-movement is the structurally highest one (sometimes referred to as the “external argument”); different light verbs (or voice projections) serve to promote a particular argument to the highest structural position. The subject-only restriction is widespread in Austronesian and is completely independent of ergativity; it occurs, for instance, in Malagasy, Philippine languages, Formosan languages, languages of Indonesia (where Tukang Besi is spoken), and some Oceanic languages (see Wechsler and Arka 1998; Aldridge 2004; 2008; and for overviews, Gärtner, Law, and Sabel 2006; Chung and Polinsky 2009). Depending on which DP serves as the external argument, the form of the verb has to change, assuming what some researchers call “voice” and others refer to as “argument-topic” (Agent-topic, Theme-topic, etc.) form. Compare the following minimal pair (with some glosses changed from the original presentation). In (20a), the DP ‘child’ appears as the external argument, marked with the nominative na, and is the only argument accessible to A′-movement operations. The verb appears in what seems to be the Agent-topic form, without special marking, and the non-nominative marker te cliticizes to it. In (20b), the verb is in a different form – presumably Theme-topic – and the external argument, ‘friend’, is the sole argument that can undergo A′-movement.

(20) Tukang Besi
a. No‑‘ita + te kene‑no na ana.
3‑see + agent.topic.nnom friend‑3poss nom child
‘The child saw his friend.’
b. No‑‘ita‑‘e te ana na kene‑no.
3‑see‑theme.topic nnom child nom friend‑3poss
‘The child saw his friend.’ (~ ‘The friend was seen by the child.’)
 (Donohue 1999, 467)

In addition to this restriction, the “subject” in Tukang Besi must be specific and/or definite; this is typically a property of topics rather than subjects. Furthermore, even if we set aside the fact that the external argument in Tukang Besi is subject to semantic constraints which more properly define topics than subjects, the status of morphological ergativity itself in Tukang Besi is controversial.

With this accounting done, we are left with only eight morphologically ergative languages listed in WALS that clearly lack syntactic ergativity: Bawm, Hunzib, Ingush, Lezgian, Burushaski, Ngiyambaa, Pitjantjatjara, and Wardaman. These languages are not distributed randomly across the globe. Five of them belong to one of two language families: Nakh-Dagestanian (Hunzib, Ingush, Lezgian) and Pama-Nyungan (Ngiyambaa, Pitjantjatjara); Wardaman is a non-Pama-Nyungan Australian language.5

In sum, most morphologically ergative languages represented in the WALS sample behave like Tongan, not like Basque: they allow extraction of the absolutive with a gap, but their ergative argument is inaccessible to A′-movement. Such a contrast between the absolutive and the ergative constitutes the puzzle of syntactic ergativity: what prevents the ergative from being extracted with a gap, despite the fact that it shows subject properties with respect to other diagnostics? This is a particularly vexing question given the well-known accessibility hierarchy of relativization (Keenan and Comrie 1977, slightly modified below):

(21) Accessibility hierarchy
Subject > Direct object > Indirect object > Oblique object > Possessor > Standard of comparison

Keenan and Comrie were aware of this problem at the time of writing their article. They make three main points with respect to the violations of (21) in ergative languages. First, they seem to downplay the extent to which syntactic ergativity is widespread (“[t]he general claim, then, that in ergative languages absolutives are more relativizable than ergatives receives little support”: 1977, 83). They cite such languages as Warlpiri or Hindi as allowing relativization of ergatives. Hindi, however, uses correlatives (see Dayal 1996, ch. 5; Davison 2009), so its relativization facts are irrelevant to syntactic ergativity.

Second, Keenan and Comrie discuss Dyirbal's syntactic ergativity and propose an analysis of Dyirbal clauses as passives. Under such an analysis, the ergative is essentially a by-phrase, and thus a low-ranking oblique object on (21).6 The authors’ approach to Tongan is similar to their approach to Dyirbal: they propose that the Tongan ergative expression is also a passive agent. Curiously, they establish the Tongan connection between ergative and passive in diachronic terms (Keenan and Comrie 1977, 87–88), yet this historical status is somehow projected onto the synchronic behavior of the ergative with respect to relativization.

2.3 Compensatory strategies under syntactic ergativity

Relative clauses and wh-questions seem to be present in all languages, so syntactically ergative languages must adopt one of several possible strategies to work around the ban on ergative extraction under A′-movement. These strategies include (i) antipassivization, (ii) agent focus, (iii) resumption, (iv) anti-agreement, and (v) nominalization of the vP. Unfortunately, within our present understanding of syntactic ergativity, we have no way of predicting which of these strategies will be used in a particular language, and we are unable to exclude other possible compensatory strategies. Finding correlations between the use of (i)–(v) and other properties of syntactically ergative languages remains an important research task.

One common strategy for circumventing the constraint against A′-movement of the ergative consists of turning the ergative subject into an absolutive (retaining its subjecthood), and then extracting that absolutive. The conversion of a transitive subject to an intransitive subject can be achieved through antipassivization. The structure of the antipassive is subject to significant debate, but several families of approaches can be identified: (i) base generation, where antipassives are provided in the lexicon (Chung 1998); (ii) abstract noun incorporation, which saturates the internal argument position, with the logical object adjoined to vP (Baker 1988); (iii) use of an additional verbal projection in the vP licensing the non-absolutive/non-accusative object, with an intransitive VP below (Alexiadou 2001; Borer 2003; 2005; Basilico 2012). An example of (iii) is presented in (22), where the projection responsible for the antipassive is identified as Asp(ectual)P:7

(22) image

The antipassive construction often serves as a stop along the way prior to the extraction of the subject (Polinsky 2008; 2017). Let us revisit the Chukchi example in (15), repeated below as (23a). The ergative cannot relativize leaving a gap (17a), but the newly created subject of the antipassive construction (23b), which appears in the absolutive, can be relativized (see also Polinsky 1994; 2017). Hence, (24) is a licit relative clause. Note that, in the antipassive clause (23b), the verb no longer agrees with both the subject and the object, but only shows agreement with the absolutive subject. The object appears in one of several oblique cases (Kozinsky, Nedjalkov, and Polinskaja 1988).

(23) a. Transitive sentence:
ǝnpǝnačg‑e milger kun‑nin.
old man‑erg gun.abs buy‑aor.3sg.sbj.3sg.obj
‘The old man bought a gun.’
b. Antipassive sentence:
ǝnpǝnačg‑ǝn ine‑kun‑gʔe mǝlgr‑epǝ.
old man‑abs antip‑buy‑aor.3sg.sbj gun‑abl
‘The old man bought a gun.’
(24) [mǝlgr‑epǝ ine‑kune‑lʔ‑ǝn] ǝnpǝnačg‑ǝn
gun‑abl antip‑buy‑ptcp‑abs old man‑abs
‘the old man that bought a gun’

Possibly related to the antipassive is the agent focus (AF) construction common in Mayan languages (see Stiebels 2006 for an overview). In AF, the morphology of the predicate has to change in order for the subject of a two-place verb to undergo A′-movement. The structure of AF and its differences from true antipassive have been subject to extensive discussion in the literature (Aissen 1999; 2011; Stiebels 2006; Norcliffe 2009; among others).

Three other strategies are frequently employed for circumventing the ban on A′-movement of the ergative. Some languages avoid the ban by introducing a resumptive pronoun at the extraction site.8 Note that in ergative languages which employ this strategy, only ergative extraction requires a resumptive pronoun; extraction of the absolutive still occurs with a gap at the extraction site. This resumption strategy has already been illustrated above for Tongan: see (8d), where the ergative is resumed by the pronominal clitic ne in the relative clause.

Under anti-agreement, another ergative extraction-avoidance option, argument–verb agreement is suppressed or altered when the ergative is extracted. See Wiltschko (2006) for discussion of anti-agreement under ergative extraction in Halkomelem, and see Ouhalla (1993) for the initial discussion of anti-agreement, which generated extensive research in the generative literature.

Finally, nominalizations may also be used to circumvent the ban on ergative extraction. Under this strategy, the relative clause corresponds to a nominalized vP, and its head noun, which corresponds to the agent, is not expressed in the new nominalized clause. In other words, the nominalization is rather small in size. Under this operation, then, the ergative ceases to be an argument of the verb and instead becomes a complement of the nominal derived from the main verb. Among ergative languages, nominalizations as a way of circumventing A′-movement constraints have been described for Inuit (Johns 1992; 2006), Halkomelem (Gerdts 1988; 2010), and Roviana (Corston 1996; Corston-Oliver 2003). The sentences in (25) from Roviana show the contrast between absolutive and ergative relativization under nominalization. In (25a), the absolutive is directly extracted from a finite clause, which contains a trace of the extracted DP. Meanwhile, a similar interpretation for the ergative in (25b) is only available through the use of a nominalization, meaning something like ‘the boy of the punching of John’ (Corston 1996; Corston-Oliver 2003):

(25) a. sa koreoi sapu [CP tupa‑i‑a e zone ti]
def boy lnk punch‑tr‑3sg.obj pers John
‘the boy that John punched’
(Corston‑Oliver 2003, 275)
b. sa koreo sapu [DP tupa‑na e zone]
def boy lnk punch‑nmlz pers John
‘the boy who punched John’
(Corston‑Oliver 2003, 275)

This strategy works because low nominalizations do not have an extraction site, and, depending on the size of the nominalization, may not even include a coindexed silent pronoun corresponding to the extracted argument.

Each option for circumventing the ban on ergative extraction deserves a serious analysis, but such an undertaking is beyond the scope of this chapter. For our present purposes, it is sufficient to note two points: (i) across the board in syntactically ergative languages, we find that something prevents the ergative (but never the absolutive) from undergoing A′-movement; however, (ii) these languages always find ways around the ban on ergative argument extraction.

2.4 A broader notion of syntactic ergativity?

The definition of syntactic ergativity introduced above is quite restricted. Some researchers, most notably Dixon (1972; 1979; 1994), Bok-Bennema (1991), Kazenin (1994), and Manning (1996), use a broader notion of syntactic ergativity that incorporates the contrast between absolutive arguments (S and O) and the ergative argument with respect to A′-movement, coreference across clauses, and coreferential deletion, scope, binding, quantifier float, raising, control, and possibly other dependencies. On the basis of these criteria, a number of languages could be characterized either as comprehensively syntactically ergative or as “mixed pivot” languages (Manning 1996). Kazenin and Manning make a strong claim that conjunction reduction (that is, deletion under coreference), control (deletion in purposive constructions), and relativization should all pattern alike. In particular, Manning suggests that all three of these operations should follow either the ergative pattern or the neutral pattern (in which the absolutive and the ergative arguments are treated alike) under syntactic ergativity (Manning 1996, 34). Kazenin (1994) proposes the cline of syntactic ergativity shown in (26) below (with slight revisions of Kazenin's terminology); if a language shows syntactic ergativity in purpose-clause formation, then it is expected to be syntactically ergative with respect to conjunction reduction and relativization.

(26) Cline of syntactic ergativity
Relativization > Conjunction reduction > Control

There are at least two reasons to restrict the notion of syntactic ergativity in the way advocated for above, rather than adopting the more inclusive approach.

The first reason has to do with descriptive adequacy. As mentioned earlier, the cross-linguistic consistency of relative-clause behavior does not always carry over to wh-questions and topicalization. In-depth analysis must be conducted on a language-by-language basis in order to determine whether these two operations instantiate A′-movement or not (consider the discussion of Chukchi wh-questions in section 2.1 above). It is still harder to ascertain if an instance of conjunction reduction in language A is directly comparable to an instance of conjunction reduction in language B; again, an in-depth syntactic analysis is required. Without such an analysis, it is hard to distinguish clausal coordination from VP coordination; the difference is not always clear, even for such a well-studied language as English. Consider examples (27a) and (27b).

(27) a. The criminal will be arrested and will confess to the crime.
(Burton and Grimshaw 1992, 310)
b. The employees complained and were given more vacation time.
(McNally 1992, 336)

In the absence of a clear distinction between clausal coordination and VP-coordination, it may be necessary to posit various types of null categories in the second conjunct (Van Valin 1986; Goodall 1987; Burton and Grimshaw 1992; McNally 1992, among others). But if we cannot definitively determine what happens in English, how can we be sure whether a paratactic combination of two clauses in a lesser-known language, available from a grammatical description, stands for conjunction reduction?

Similarly, while researchers who adopt a more inclusive approach to syntactic ergativity distinguish in principle between conjunction reduction and reduction in purposive clauses (e.g., Dixon 1994; Kazenin 1994; Manning 1996), in practice such a distinction is more difficult to maintain. Imagine a language – let's call it English-1 – which has morphological ergativity, pro-drop and the functional element lest. Furthermore, imagine that we only have a couple of examples of sentences with that functional element, such as the one below:

(28) Johni was afraid to speak out [lest proi be punished for his words].

Is the bracketed clause coordinate or subordinate? Is lest a conjunction like and or a complementizer like for? Is the entire sentence an instance of conjunction reduction or reduction in a purpose clause? Without clear answers to such questions, the comparison of English-1 with Tongan or Basque would be meaningless.9

If we start adding other phenomena beyond coordination and purpose clauses to the domain of syntactic ergativity, the picture becomes even muddier. Just to give an example, in some languages, only subjects are potential binders; in others, both subjects and objects can bind; sometimes, binding potential varies intralinguistically depending on the particular verb group (see Manning 1996, ch. 2, and Bittner 1994, for a discussion of binding complexities in Inuit).

The second reason to maintain a narrow definition of syntactic ergativity has to do with the general architecture of grammar, at least the way it is viewed in generative approaches to syntax. Such approaches assume that at the core of the syntactic computational system we find narrow syntax, which is assumed to be invariant across languages and which builds syntactic representations (Chomsky 1995; 2001). The structure-building mechanisms involved in narrow syntax include Agree, Merge, and Move, and relations formed in the narrow syntax include movement (Safir 2008) and co-argument reflexives (Reuland 2011). The restricted notion of syntactic ergativity used throughout this chapter is intended to reflect the relations formed in narrow syntax.

The output of narrow syntax is augmented with vocabulary required for the structure to be read by the semantic inference system forms. The resulting augmented syntactic level, known as the Conceptual–Intentional (C–I) interface, includes semantic dependencies which presumably do not factor into the computation of syntactic ergativity. Finally, the discourse component of the grammar situates the logical syntax in a larger context that includes world knowledge, speaker intent, and the full linguistic context. Discourse is where reference relations are established; thus, it determines relations that are not part of the grammar, such as coreference across clauses. The three components are arranged in a hierarchical manner:

(29) Narrow syntax < C–I interface < Discourse

The hierarchical relationship between structure-building mechanisms (including extraction), on the one hand, and logical-syntactic and discourse relationships, on the other, gives us a natural way of dividing the dependencies discussed here; the boundary between extraction (movement) and sundry syntactic dependencies related to binding or coreference is therefore not random. By limiting syntactic ergativity to A′-phenomena we are able to concentrate on the syntactic differences between ergatives and absolutives. If further correlates of A′-movement restrictions are found outside narrow syntax, we have the flexibility to predict that they will apply less stringently across languages. Accordingly, I will maintain the stricter definition of syntactic ergativity introduced in sections 2.1–2.3 throughout the remainder of this chapter.

3 Syntactic ergativity follows from the properties of the absolutive DP

The first group of approaches to syntactic ergativity reviewed here places the explanatory burden on the status of the absolutive DP. In these approaches, the ergative is an inherent case licensed in spec,v (see Aldridge 2004; 2008; Woolford 2006; Legate 2008a; among others) and its inability to A′-move has nothing to do with its own status. Instead, the ban on ergative extraction is understood to follow from the structure of the absolutive: the absolutive has to get to some external position first, for reasons that vary from account to account. This early movement of the absolutive blocks later movement of the ergative. Section 3.1 presents a version of this approach where the main restriction comes from the need for O to A′-move for case. Section 3.2 presents a number of approaches which account for syntactic ergativity by appealing to locality. See also Deal (2013) for an overview of these approaches.

3.1 Object A′-movement blocking the movement of the ergative DP

A number of accounts of ergative syntax require that absolutive objects undergo A′-movement in the derivation of a transitive clause (Campana 1992; 1993; Murasugi 1992; Bittner and Hale 1996a). The approach described in this section reflects the analysis put forth in Bittner and Hale. The overall system adopted by these authors is as follows. The case of primary arguments is determined by two heads, K1 (= [erg] = I) and K2 (= [acc] = v). KP (Case Phrase), headed by K(ase), is the highest functional head of the noun phrase bearing the selectional features of the syntactic category immediately above it. The exponent of K is overt case morphology (Bayer, Bader, and Meng 2001; Guasti 1993). Case assignment happens by case binding. If a K cannot case-bind an argument, then the derivation does not crash, but the argument is assigned the default case (= nom). There are two conditions on case binding: K must c-command the argument, and there must be a case competitor (caseless co-argument) in the local m-command domain of K. In ergative languages, K1 = I case-binds the external argument, and K2 = v does not determine a structural case. Thus, the internal argument does not receive structural case, but it is a case competitor for the external argument. The case competitor can become visible to I in two ways: by remerging in spec,I, or by V-to-I movement.

The following assumptions are relevant for the analysis (see also Bittner and Hale 1996b for more technical details):

(30) a. The absolutive is assigned in an A′‑position.
b. The ergative is an inherent case assigned in a KP inside the vP.
c. Spec,TP and spec,DP are A′‑positions.
d. When the number of A′‑positions is limited, movement to an A′‑position for case takes precedence over other types of movement.

The derivation of a regular transitive clause in an ergative language proceeds as shown in (31); the absolutive DP can then raise to a higher A′-position, in spec,C.10

(31) image

Bittner (1994) and Bittner and Hale (1996a) specifically consider syntactic ergativity in Inuit, where relative clauses are formed on the basis of nominalized verb phrases. The relativization of the absolutive argument proceeds normally ((32a) and (32b)), but relativization of the ergative is impossible (32c); in order to relativize the subject of a two-place verb, an antipassive construction is needed (see Bittner 1994, 58 for details).

(32) a. miiqqa‑ti [____i sila‑mi pinnguar‑tu‑t]
child‑pl outdoors‑loc play‑rel.[−tr]‑pl
‘the children who are playing outdoors’
(Bittner 1994, 55)
b. miiqqa‑ti [Juuna‑p ____i paari‑sa‑i]
child‑pl Juna‑erg look after‑rel.[+tr]‑3sg:pl
‘the children that Juna is looking after’
(Bittner 1994, 55)
c. *anguti

[____i aallaat

man     gun.abs take‑pfv‑rel.[+tr]‑3sg:sg
(‘the man who took the gun’)

In (32a) and (32b), the absolutive moves to an A′-position in spec,D – the only A′-position in this structure – to receive Case, per (30a). The ergative in (32b) receives its case in situ, in KP (per (30b)). The following is the structure of (32b):

(33) image

Recall that there is only one A′-position in the relative nominalization; if this position is occupied by some argument other than the absolutive, the latter cannot receive Case. It has no source of Case in the VP, and the derivation crashes due to violation of the Case Filter (Chomsky and Lasnik 1977; Vergnaud 1977). Following (30d), the need for the absolutive to obtain Case takes precedence over the need to A′-move the ergative. Thus, movement of the ergative is blocked.

This account of syntactic ergativity gets the Inuit data right, and is theoretically consistent, but it relies on a number of assumptions which may be hard to motivate. In particular, the requirement that absolutive (and nominative) case be assigned in an A′-position is stipulative. Furthermore, this assumption faces a particular challenge from non-finite clauses. In such clauses, in the absence of T and D, absolutive (or nominative) case should not be assigned. Nevertheless, many ergative languages, including Inuit, have the absolutive freely available in non-finite clauses (Manning 1996, 113; Polinsky 2016). The so-called contemporative form of the verb11 in Inuit/Inuktitut is characterized by agreement with the absolutive but not the ergative. This is unexpected given the proposal that the ergative is assigned low and the absolutive receives its case from a higher A′-projection.

Another challenge for this account comes from languages where relative clauses are not formed through nominalizations. Consider, for instance, Mayan, where the relative clause is a full-fledged CP. Mayan relative clauses can have more than one A′-position. This is illustrated by the following examples from Q'anjob'al, a syntactically ergative language (see section 3.2.2). Examples in (34) illustrate the left periphery in root clauses,12 and (35) shows the left periphery in relative clauses (see also Butler 2012 for the CP-structure of Yucatecan relative clauses; her analysis also indicates that relative clauses in Yucatec have an articulated left periphery with room for topic and focus).

(34) a. B'ay txomb'al max‑Ø s‑man ix Malin ixim patej.
at market asp‑3abs 3erg‑buy clf Maria clf tortilla
‘At the market, Maria bought tortillas.’
b. (Ixim) patejk max‑Ø s‑man ix Malin tk b'ay txomb'al.
clf tortilla asp‑3abs 3erg‑buy clf Maria at market
‘(The) tortillas, Maria bought at the market.’
(35) ix q'opoji [ix, ixim patejk, max‑Ø s‑man ti tk b'ay txomb'al]
clf girl rel clf tortilla asp‑3abs 3erg‑buy at market
‘the girl who, tortillas, bought at the market’

Assuming that such languages have an articulated left periphery in the relative clause, it is unclear what prevents the movement of the ergative DP to an A′-position after the Case licensing of the absolutive is taken care of.

3.2 Syntactic ergativity as a consequence of locality violations

Another family of accounts of syntactic ergativity likewise analyzes the ergative as an inherent case licensed in spec,v, but relies on locality conditions to prevent the ergative DP from undergoing A′-movement.

3.2.1 Ergative A′-movement as a violation of the Attract Closest Principle

The approach presented in this section, like the one above, crucially relies on the idea that the explanation for syntactic ergativity should reside with the status of the absolutive (again, the ergative itself is understood as an inherent case licensed in spec,v). Proponents of this notion argue that the restriction against A′-movement of the ergative is just a side effect of the way the absolutive case is assigned. The main idea is that at least some ergative languages use different v heads for different levels of transitivity: transitive v assigns absolutive case, while intransitive v does not (hence the obligatory movement of the intransitive subject to T for case). This approach has been developed in work by Aldridge (2004; 2008) and Legate (2006; 2008a). Aldridge's (2008, 983–984) remarks on the role of the absolutive provide a succinct overview of the main idea:

The crux of Aldridge's proposal is that transitive, but not intransitive, v can carry an EPP [Extended Projection Principle] feature in syntactically ergative languages. The effect of this constraint in recent minimalist theory of Chomsky (2001) is to force absolutive objects to move to the outer edge of the vP, from where they will be able to undergo further movement, specifically to the specifier of CP, as in wh-movement or relativization. They will also be interpreted in a position external to VP, thereby receiving wide-scope, presuppositional interpretations.

… Aldridge … proposes that absolutive case is assigned directly by T or v. T assigns case in intransitive clauses; v does so in transitive clauses. In a transitive clause, v carries an absolutive case feature that it assigns to the direct object. … Transitive v also carries an EPP feature, which draws the absolutive NP to its outer specifier, where it is visible to a probe in the next phase, for example, a [wh] feature on C, as in the case of wh-movement. This will allow the absolutive NP to be extracted in cases of A′-movement.

… Since the source of absolutive case is v in transitive clauses, absolutive case is still available in non-finite clauses in this type of language. Indeed, in Tagalog and Inuit languages, controlled PRO can appear in the ergative subject position, while absolutive case appears on the object. Absolutive case is still available in a non-finite clause, because it is assigned by v and therefore is not affected by the finiteness of T.

Thus, the licensing of the absolutive depends on transitivity (Aldridge 2004; 2008; Legate 2006; 2008a):

(36) ABS case checking:
a. In a transitive clause, the object remains in its base position inside the VP and checks its case with v.
b. In an intransitive clause, the absolutive DP has its case checked by T, not v.

In a transitive clause, the inability of the ergative DP to undergo A′-movement follows from a violation of the Attract Closest Principle:

(37) Attract Closest Principle (ACP)
A head which attracts a given kind of constituent attracts the closest constituent of the relevant kind.
(Radford 2004, 162)

Under syntactic ergativity, a transitive v has an [EPP] feature which triggers raising of the object to vP's outer specifier (per (36)). A′-movement to spec,C is also triggered by an [EPP] feature. As the absolutive object receives its case in the vP, it is the highest DP in the phrase and can therefore proceed to C. The ergative, however, is lower than the object, and its movement presumably violates the ACP (37), as shown in the structure in (38).

(38) A′‑movement of the ergative as an ACP violation

In contrast to the Bittner and Hale (1996a)-style account, Aldridge's account separates case marking from the assignment of case to the absolutive, which makes this approach more versatile. However, her analysis crucially relies on the presence of an EPP on the transitive v and on the distinction between transitive and intransitive v heads in terms of case licensing. The reliance of this account on the ACP constitutes both its strength and its weakness. On the one hand, this account predicts that a wh-probe (as opposed to other probes) could look for any element in its c-command domain that has a matching [wh]-feature. So if the [wh]-feature were assigned to the ergative rather than the absolutive, then the ergative would be attracted to spec,CP, even though the absolutive is a closer potential goal. This would allow us to account for the difference between syntactic ergativity under relativization and under wh-questions, as in Chukchi above (see the contrast between examples (16a) and (17a)). But such an analysis would also overgeneralize the distinction between relativization and wh-question formation to languages which treat these two processes in the same way (for example, Mayan languages with syntactic ergativity). Furthermore, the ACP alone may not be sufficient to rule out movement of the ergative: the raised absolutive and the in-situ ergative are both in spec,v; therefore, they ought to be equally close for the purposes of attraction toward a higher probe. Under this account, then, the ACP would need to be amended to include a stipulation that the raised absolutive be somehow privileged.

Another corollary to syntactic ergativity follows from Aldridge's account of a high-assigned absolutive: the absolutive expression is expected to take wide scope. Critical evidence for this prediction comes from Inuit, where the absolutive object receives a wide-scope interpretation (Bittner 1994; Bittner and Hale 1996a; 1996b), and the instrumental object in the antipassive receives an obligatory narrow-scope reading (Aldridge 2008, 975). However, at least Chukchi does not conform to the scope generalization proposed by Aldridge. In Chukchi, only surface scope is allowed:

(39) a. Gamga‑ŋawǝskǝt‑e ŋǝrnǝ‑ŋinqey winren‑nen.
every‑woman‑erg three‑boy.abs help‑aor.3sg.3sg
b. Gamga‑ŋawǝskǝt‑e winren‑nen ŋǝrnǝ‑ŋinqey.
every‑woman‑erg help‑aor.3sg.3sg three‑boy.abs
‘Every woman was helping three boys.’ (every > three*three > every)
(40) a. ŋǝrnǝ‑ŋinqey gamga‑ŋawǝskǝt‑e winren‑nen.
three‑boy.abs every‑woman‑erg help‑aor.3sg.3sg
b. ŋǝrnǝ‑ŋinqey winren‑nen gamga‑ŋawǝskǝt‑e.
three‑boy.abs help‑aor.3sg.3sg every‑woman‑erg
‘Every woman was helping three boys.’ (three > every*every > three)

Thus, the wide-scope reading expected for the absolutive in syntactically ergative languages is not supported by the facts, however limited. A better understanding of scope relations in individual ergative languages will have to build upon the understanding of quantifiers in such languages as well as differences between determiners, demonstratives, and other types of modifiers.

3.2.2 Phase boundaries and high-/low-absolutive languages

Another account of syntactic ergativity has recently been proposed by Coon, Mateo Pedro, and Preminger (2015).13 The proposal treats all ergative cases in the same way: namely, as arguments with inherent case merged in spec,VoiceP. Because the ergative is an inherent case under this analysis, it has its own Case features, which are valued immediately after merging (see Woolford 2006). This makes the ergative invisible to the EPP on higher probes (since only DPs with unvalued Case features are available to such probes), so it cannot leave its position for EPP reasons. However, there is nothing about the nature of the ergative in this account that prevents it from moving to a higher A′-position. As in the two accounts discussed above, in Coon, Mateo Pedro, and Preminger's analysis, the main blocking effect of syntactic ergativity comes from the manner in which the absolutive DP is licensed, rather than from any characteristics of the ergative.

The authors base their arguments on Mayan languages, which they divide into two types: high-absolutive and low-absolutive. In high-absolutive languages, such as Q'anjob'al, the absolutive object must move up to TP in order to receive Case. In low-absolutive languages, there is no requirement for such movement; movement to spec,TP may occur for other reasons, but not for Case. The rest of the account follows straightforwardly, with just one additional assumption: the transitive vP in high-absolutive languages is a phase (a locality domain, according to the Phase Theory developed by Chomsky 1995; 2001; 2008). It is thus subject to the Phase Impenetrability Condition (Chomsky 2001). On the assumption that a vP has only one escape hatch (this can be implemented as a requirement that only one edge feature be present, or as a general restriction on multiple specifiers), only one argument can escape that phase. This argument must be the object, since it requires Case. The result is that the ergative DP is “trapped” within the vP phrase. This is represented in (41), where the double arc indicates a phase boundary.

(41) image

An intransitive vP is not a phase, so no constituents are trapped by it:

(42) image

On this approach, for the ergative to be prevented from extracting, it is crucial that it be generated very low and not raise out of vP.

Morphological support for this proposal comes from the surface linearization of agreement markers: in high-absolutive languages, the absolutive agreement marker is a prefix, while in low-absolutive languages, it is a suffix (see Tada 1993; Coon, Mateo Pedro, and Preminger 2015 for an extensive discussion). Compare the high-absolutive Q'anjob'al with the low-absolutive Chol in the examples below. In Q'anjob'al, the absolutive marker ach is adjoined to the highest element of the clause, the aspectual marker max (see also examples (34) and (35) above, featuring the null third-person absolutive morpheme):

(43) Q'anjob'al
Max‑ach y‑il‑’a ix Malin.
asp‑abs.2sg erg.3sg‑see‑tr clf Maria
‘Maria saw you.’

In contrast, the absolutive exponent in Chol appears low:

(44) Chol
‘I made you sleep.’

Further support for this approach comes from the fact that certain objects in Mayan, such as regular reflexives and extended reflexives, allow the Agent to be extracted from a transitive vP. These objects are taken to be caseless, and therefore need not move for Case reasons. Thus, in Q'anjob'al:

(45) Maktxel max‑Ø y‑il/*il‑on[‑i] s‑b'a?
who asp‑abs3 erg3‑see/*see‑af‑tr gen3‑self
‘Who saw herself/himself?’

This proposal allows the authors to account for a number of correlations, including that between the presence of syntactic ergativity and the requirement that embedded clauses be intransitive (in other words, the requirement that the ergative not occur in the subject position of complement clauses), something that is quite common across ergative languages (see Aldridge 2008). It also seems consistent with the division of absolutive case forms into true absolutives, on the one hand, and nominatives appearing in the guise of absolutives, on the other hand – a distinction proposed by Legate (2008a) and Aldridge (2004; 2007; 2008). The absolutive can be assigned either by the little v head inside the vP, or by a higher projection in the inflectional domain (in Mayan, this is the aspectual head). High-absolutive languages have nominatives in the guise of absolutives, whereas low-absolutive languages have “true” absolutives, assigned by a lower verbal head. This is a pleasing result, and one that any account of ergativity should be able to capture.

An important consequence of the division of Mayan languages into high-absolutive and low-absolutive types is the prediction this division makes concerning the appearance of the absolutive in non-finite embedded clauses. The logic is as follows: in those languages where the absolutive (either subject or object) is assigned by the high clausal head (T or Infl), absolutive DPs cannot be licensed in embedded phrases which lack that licensing head; that is, in non-finite embedded clauses. In contrast, in low-absolutive languages, the absolutive can appear in non-finite embedded clauses because it does not rely on a higher head for licensing. This prediction is confirmed. In Q'anjob'al, a high-absolutive language, there is no way to generate the absolutive in embedded clauses, which is why (46) is ungrammatical. Instead, the language uses a special nominalization, the so-called “Crazy Antipassive” (Kaufman 1990), illustrated in (47). According to Coon, Mateo Pedro, and Preminger (2015), the agent focus (AF) marker -on- in Q'anjob'al serves as a licensor for object case in the absence of the high aspectual head that would otherwise license the absolutive.

(46) *Chi uj [hin y‑il ix Malin]
asp be_able_to abs1 gen3‑see clf Maria
(‘Maria can see me.’)
(47) Chi uj [hin y‑il‑on[‑i] ix Malin]
asp be_able_to abs1 gen3‑see‑af‑intr clf Maria
‘Maria can see me.’

The proposal thus makes correct predictions about the syntax of non-finite complements in high-absolutive Mayan languages.

The properties of the Coon, Mateo Pedro, and Preminger (2015) proposal outlined in this section are intriguing, but there are also some reservations. Syntactic phases provide one of the major building blocks of Coon, Mateo Pedro, and Preminger's proposal; this is related to their desideratum that the transitive subject be generated below the vP phase. As mentioned above, the authors assume that intransitive vP is not a phase, but transitive vP is. Transitive vP therefore provides an escape hatch that can be utilized by an argument that needs to move out of vP: in high-absolutive languages, this will crucially be the object (which needs to move to receive Case), rather than the subject. In Chomsky's original proposal (1995), which was built mainly upon Spanish data, unaccusative vPs were not considered phases (in the terminology employed by Chomsky 2001, they are “weak phases”), but all vPs that assigned an external theta-role were (strong) phases. Thus, the distinction between phase and non-phase (or, equivalently, strong and weak phase) relied on the presence/absence of an external argument, not an internal argument. Chomsky's proposal and Coon, Mateo Pedro, and Preminger's analysis are compatible as long as all intransitive verbs are unaccusative (as they seem to be in Chol); however, in a language with a different distribution of intransitive verbs, this analysis would not stand up.14 Of course decisions about the phasehood of particular vPs have always been rather arbitrary in the literature, so this reservation is not limited to the proposal discussed here.

Setting aside issues surrounding the notion of phasehood, two major predictions follow from Coon, Mateo Pedro, and Preminger's approach to ergativity. The first follows from the single-occupancy restriction on the phase escape hatch: since the absolutive has to go through the phase edge and raise to TP, all other constituents inside the vP, not just the ergative, should be “trapped.” We already know that if the absolutive does not get case outside the vP, special morphology (AF) is needed to extract the ergative. By extension, we expect that when vP-internal constituents move out of their home vP, AF should be required. However, the wh-movement of low adjuncts in Q'anjob'al does not require AF marking on the verb, contrary to expectation. See Polinsky (2016) for more discussion of this point.

A second prediction that follows from the phase-based approach to ergativity concerns variable binding. Analyses of object shift (see Larson 1988; Holmberg and Platzack 1995; Zwart 2001; Bošković 2004; Woolford 2007; among others) lead to the prediction that a Mayan absolutive raised out of its base position should be able to bind a variable in a lower constituent. Unfortunately, this prediction is practically impossible to test, since Mayan languages with syntactic ergativity lack both double object constructions15 and the sorts of adjunct clauses that would provide an appropriate test case. Thus it remains to be seen whether the Mayan-style analysis can be extended to other syntactically ergative languages.

4 Syntactic ergativity follows from the properties of the ergative

The second group of syntactic accounts discussed here places the explanatory burden for the restriction on A′-movement of the ergative on the ergative itself rather than on the absolutive. Note, however, that these accounts are still compatible with the idea that absolutive licensing can vary by transitivity (see (36) above).

4.1 Syntactic ergativity as a consequence of criterial freezing

The first explanation for syntactic ergativity that we will consider here is stated in terms of criterial freezing. The basic idea behind criterial freezing, initially formulated by Wexler and Culicover (1980), is that an element displaced from its base position is unable to take part in any further syntactic operations. This idea has been fruitfully applied in accounts of subextraction (see Lohndal 2011 and references therein; also Resumption) and subject/object asymmetries with respect to A′-movement (Rizzi 2006; 2010; Rizzi and Shlonsky 2007). A more explicit formulation, due to Rizzi's work, is as follows:

(48) Criterial freezing
If an XP is moved to satisfy a particular criterion, it becomes an island for further movement.

Criterial freezing blocks the A′-extraction of subjects in the following way: the subject starts out in the specifier of a vP and has to move to the specifier of the highest inflectional head (T) to satisfy Case and agreement requirements and to satisfy the EPP. Thus:

(49) [TP DPi [vP ti [VP …]]]
[EPP, uCase] [Case]

Once moved, the subject is frozen, preventing further extraction, such as A′-movement over a complementizer, or subextraction, as in the following French example:

(50) *Combien veux‑tu que [[____ d’étudiants]SBJ signent la lettre]]?
how_many want‑2sg comp of students sign the letter
(‘How many of (the) students do you want to sign the letter?’)
(see Shlonsky 2012)

Since ergative DPs are subjects, they are natural candidates for criterial freezing. Once A-moved into the vicinity of C, they become inert for further movement operations, just like subjects in nominative–accusative languages. Polinsky (2016: ch. 9) considers in detail the possibility of applying the notion of criterial freezing to an account of syntactic ergativity. She concludes that such an analysis faces two main challenges. First, assuming that the ergative DP is considered an inherent case (see Aldridge 2004; 2008; Woolford 2006; Legate 2008a), it does not need to move for Case assignment. It is base-generated in spec,v and can – indeed, must – stay there. Therefore, it cannot be frozen due to Case-driven movement. Furthermore, EPP-driven movement can only motivate criterial freezing in a subset of ergative languages, since verb-initial languages do not satisfy the EPP via DP movement (Alexiadou and Anagnostopoulou 1998; Chung 2005; 2006; Gärtner, Law, and Sabel 2006).16 All things considered, the ban on A′-movement of the ergative has to follow from something other than criterial freezing.

The second argument against a criterial freezing account of syntactic ergativity comes from the syntax of the absolutive. Recall the proposed derivation of the absolutive presented in (36), and repeated below:

(36) ABS case checking:
a. In a transitive clause, the object remains in its base position inside the VP and checks its case with v.
b. In an intransitive clause, the absolutive DP has its case checked by T, not v.

Assuming (36), the absolutive subject must raise to receive case (and possibly to satisfy the EPP). Under criterial freezing, such movement should render it ineligible for further movement. Nevertheless, we have ample evidence from ergative languages of all stripes that the absolutive is free to undergo further A′-movement.

These considerations suggest that criterial freezing is untenable for ergative languages: the absolutive DP raises to a criterial position (to satisfy either EPP or Case) but, contrary to expectations, is not frozen for further movement, while the ergative cannot A′-move even from its base position.

4.2 Ergative expression as a PP

The next family of accounts explains syntactic ergativity by arguing that the ergative expression in syntactically ergative languages is not a DP, but a PP base-generated in spec,v (Stepanov 2004; Markman and Grashchenkov 2012; Polinsky 2016). This type of analysis builds on the close parallels between passives and ergatives (in a number of languages, ergative constructions develop from passives; see Comrie 1978 and Dixon 1994 for representative examples) and between nominalizations and ergatives (in accusative languages, deverbal nominalizations treat S and O alike, to the exclusion of A; see Alexiadou 2001 for a detailed discussion). It also takes into account the idea that non-nominative subjects are often PPs (see Landau 2010 for a similar proposal for dative/experiencer subjects). For parallels between ergative expressions and PPs, see Stepanov (2004) and Polinsky (2016). All these proposals converge on the following licensing rule, which is sensitive to the transitivity of the predicate (as in the other families of accounts surveyed earlier):

(51) Ergative as a PP
The ergative XP is a prepositional phrase base‑generated in the specifier of a transitive v head.

The derivation is as follows (depending on the headedness of a given language, the adposition could be a pre- or a postposition):

(52) image

In a transitive clause, the lexical verb combines with its complement and the resulting VP merges with the little v. This functional head has the absolutive case feature as its only Case feature. Case features are expected to be checked as soon as they can be (Chomsky 1995), so the v head licenses the absolutive on the complement of the verb. Likewise, this head may also include agreement feature(s) valued by the feature(s) on the internal argument, although those phi-features may also be located higher, on the inflectional head (not shown in the derivation above). The ergative expression is merged at the next stage of the derivation. It receives its case from the P head.

On the semantic plane, the contribution of the P head is not visible. One could hypothesize that the original meaning of the ergative P is either a source (‘from’) or a cause (‘by’, ‘because of’).

Ergative as a PP, which is proposed for syntactically ergative languages, contrasts with the ergative as a DP, predicted to occur in languages without syntactic ergativity.17 Assuming the contrast between ergative as a DP and ergative as a PP, different researchers derive syntactic ergativity for languages with PP-ergative expressions differently. Stepanov (2004) proposes that ergative subjects, which are PPs, are adjoined late in the derivation. Because of their late-adjoined status, ergative PPs cannot undergo cyclic syntactic rules, including A′-movement in particular. Stepanov (2004) predicts that no ergative languages should have agreement with the ergative, because the ergative appears in the derivation after the agreement between T and the object has taken place. However, there are ergative languages, including some with syntactic ergativity, which do have genuine agreement with the ergative: Halkomelem (Gerdts 1988; Wiltschko 2006), Abkhaz (see example (5b) above), and Chukchi (see examples (15), (16), (18), (39), (40) above) are among these.

Markman and Grashchenkov (2012) avoid the agreement problem by proposing that a PP can enter into a relationship with a verbal head (the head N of the ergative nominal incorporates into P, and the relevant functional head agrees with the N–P complex).

Polinsky (2016) follows the agreement approach proposed by Markman and Grashchenkov (2012); she likewise derives syntactic ergativity from the PP status of the ergative but limits syntactic ergativity to languages that do not have P-stranding or pied-piping. She cites some Northern Russian dialects as having clear PP-expressions in the transitive subject position but allowing pied-piping; as a result, A′-movement of ergative expressions is in principle possible on Polinsky's approach. Further empirical work is needed to see if more such languages are attested.

In languages where the ergative expression is a PP and where P-stranding or pied-piping is not available, Polinsky argues, one should expect syntactic ergativity because the PP is a syntactic island. However, syntactic ergativity is predicted to have different realizations depending on the type of A′-phenomena. It is known that A′-movement is contingent on the phonetic content of the moved operator, in that only operators that bear phonetic content are permitted to A′-move (Den Dikken 1995). This is why A′-movement is possible in wh-questions but not in relative clauses (where the moved element is a null operator). We have seen that in Chukchi, relativization of the ergative is impossible (17a) but wh-questions of the ergative are allowed (16a). A similar situation involving a (silent) P head is found in English, where the relativization of a dative object is marginally acceptable at best, while the wh-questioning of that same object is more widely accepted (although subject to dialect variation beyond the scope of this chapter).

(53) a.

*/??the personi [Opi they sent ti a threatening email]

b. %Whoi did they send ti a threatening email?

If an ergative expression is indeed a PP, we can formulate some predictions concerning its properties which go beyond the inability to A′-move. For accounts claiming that ergatives in syntactically ergative languages are PPs, testing such predictions is an important move without which the account becomes circular. In particular, PPs are expected to have the following characteristics:

(54) a. PPs do not participate in raising and control.
b. PPs cannot participate in binding (with principled exceptions).
c. PPs should be islands for subextraction.

Polinsky (2016) compares languages with and without syntactic ergativity and confirms (54a). Syntactically ergative languages lack raising and control structures (instances of apparent raising and control can be reduced to copying, and the relevant operations are not limited to subjects). In contrast, morphologically ergative languages without syntactic ergativity (i.e., languages with a DP-ergative on the account presented here) have bona fide control and raising (see Režać, Albizu, and Etxepare 2014 on Basque raising, or Polinsky and Potsdam 2002 on control in Nakh-Dagestanian).

In confirmation of (54b), PP-ergative languages systematically lack anaphors and instead use general pronouns or other expressions which are exempt from Binding Principle A. Furthermore, in syntactically ergative languages, the ergative cannot bind depictives or license quantifier float. Meanwhile, languages without syntactic ergativity have genuine reflexive and reciprocal anaphors; in such languages, the ergative can also license depictives and host floated quantifiers. Finally, all other factors being equal, subextraction out of the ergative is impossible in syntactically ergative languages, whereas subextraction out of an absolutive subject is possible. No such restriction is observed in the absence of syntactic ergativity.

The advantage of linking syntactic ergativity to the presence of a PP (rather than a DP) in the specifier of a transitive v head lies in establishing the correlations between the PP status of the ergative and independent properties of syntactically ergative languages. However, all the correlations listed here need to be further tested empirically and need to be expanded on the basis of our knowledge of the syntax of PPs.

5 Syntactic ergativity without morphological ergativity?

So far all the examples of syntactic ergativity we have seen have come from morphologically ergative languages. This section addresses the question of whether syntactic ergativity is available outside the realm of morphological ergativity. Does the grouping of S and O to the exclusion of A with respect to A′-movement appear in accusative languages as well?

Existing accounts of ergative phenomena converge on the prediction that syntactic ergativity cannot exist without morphological ergativity. Accounts of syntactic ergativity which rely on properties of the accusative and those which appeal to properties of the ergative arrive at this prediction in different ways. Recall that absolutive-based accounts of syntactic ergativity rely on the fact that, in ergative languages, the absolutive is assigned differentially by T or v, depending on transitivity. In a nominative–accusative language, the nominative is assigned by T, and the accusative by v, so no blocking effects from the movement of the absolutive are expected; thus, syntactic ergativity is not predicted in this domain. Similarly, accounts which attribute the presence of syntactic ergativity to the PP status of the ergative simply do not apply to languages which lack ergative subjects; that is, nominative–accusative languages.18

To test the prediction that syntactically ergative languages are a subset of morphologically ergative ones, let us examine some instances of ergative alignment in accusative languages. Two well-known cases come to mind: French faire-causatives, and nominalizations in nominative–accusative languages.

In French V-incorporating causatives where the downstairs infinitive raises into the matrix clause (Guasti 1993; Den Dikken 1995), the causer of an intransitive verb and the direct object of a transitive verb both appear in the accusative case, while the causer of a transitive verb is in the dative case (55b). Thus we observe the familiar ergative alignment illustrated in the beginning of this chapter (1); S and O are marked the same, and A is expressed differently.

(55) a. On fera travailler nos élèves.
one make.fut work.inf our students
‘We will have our students work.’
b. On fera faire deux exercices à nos élèves.
one make.fut do.inf two exercises dat our students
‘We will have our students do two exercises.’

For a discussion of the way the accusative and the dative are assigned in these causatives, see Kayne (1975), Rouveret and Vergnaud (1980), Bobaljik and Branigan (2006) and further references therein. For our current purposes, it is only important that both arguments in the causative construction, the (accusative) intransitive causer/transitive object and the (dative) transitive causer, can undergo A′-movement indiscriminately. Consider the following wh-questions, based on (55b), as an illustration:

(56) a. Que fera‑t‑on faire à nos élèves?
what make.fut‑llnk‑one do.inf dat our students
‘What will we have our students do?’
b. À qui fera‑t‑on faire deux exercices?
dat who make.fut‑lnk‑one do.inf two exercises
‘Who will we have do two exercises?’

(56) shows that, despite the ergative alignment in the case marking of French causatives, there is no difference between the accusative causee and the dative causer in terms of A′-extraction. Thus, no syntactic ergativity occurs.

The second empirical testing ground for syntactic ergativity in accusative languages can be found in verb-phrase nominalizations. Such nominalizations widely have the ergative alignment (Alexiadou 2001): the subject of an intransitive and the object of a transitive both appear in the genitive, while the subject of a transitive nominalization appears in the instrumental case. This is illustrated below with Russian examples; S and O are in the genitive, and A is in the instrumental case (57b):

(57) a. otkaz mèr‑a otvečat’ na voprosy
refusal mayor‑gen.[S] answer.inf on questions
‘the mayor's refusal to answer questions’ (from otkazat'sja ‘refuse’)
b. priem delegacy‑ii mèr‑om
reception delegation‑gen.[O] mayor‑ins.[A]
‘the delegation's reception by the mayor’ (from prinjat’ ‘receive’)

All the core arguments in these nominalizations can be relativized:19

(58) a. mèri [čeji otkaz otvečat’ na voprosy] …
mayor whose refusal answer.inf on questions
‘the mayor whose refusal to answer questions …’ (cf. (57a))
b. mèri [čeji priem delegacy‑ii] …
mayor whose reception delegation‑gen
‘the mayor whose reception of the delegation …’ (cf. (57b))
c. delegacija [čeji priem mèr‑om] …
delegation whose reception mayor‑ins
‘the delegation whose reception by the mayor …’ (cf. (57b))

Again, no syntactic ergativity occurs. Thus, empirical data support the conclusion that syntactic ergativity is limited to languages that are morphologically ergative at root clause level.

This result in turn leads to a more general question: assuming that all languages have abstract case, it is unclear why there cannot be syntactic ergativity without morphological ergativity at the root level. None of the theories surveyed in sections 3 and 4 have an answer to this question, and its exploration is needed if we want to understand the difference between abstract and morphological case at a deeper level.20

6 Conclusions

This chapter introduced the phenomenon of syntactic ergativity, defined as the grouping of the absolutive subject and object into a natural class, to the exclusion of the ergative argument, with respect to A′-movement. We also considered a broader definition of syntactic ergativity adopted by some researchers and rejected it as overly general and pertaining to disparate components of grammar. Presently, there is no consensus in the literature as to the cause of syntactic ergativity. Two families of approaches can be distinguished: those which place the explanatory burden on the derivation of the absolutive, and those which invoke the properties of the ergative expression itself to explain syntactic ergativity. For the first family of approaches, which include explanations based on locality and A′-movement for case, the exclusion of the ergative from A′-movement is simply a side effect of satisfying the needs of the absolutive. In the second type of approach, the ergative expression cannot A′-move either as a result of criterial freezing or as a consequence of being inside a PP. The approaches surveyed here converge on the notion that ergative is an inherent case, assigned either directly by a verbal head or by an adposition selected by a v head.


The work on this project was supported in part by grants from the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard, Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, NSF (SBR-9220219, BCS-0131946, BCS-1144223, BCS-1342688, BCS-1348181), and CASL at the University of Maryland. Any opinion, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, the United States Government, or the other agencies.

I am grateful to my language consultants for sharing their data with me: Kepa Erdozia and Itziar Laka (Basque); Peter Inenlikey and Vladimir Raxtilin (Chukchi); Isabelle Charnavel and Virginie Greene (French); Tom Etuata, Granby Siakimotu, and Kara-Ann Tukuitonga (Niuean); Pedro Mateo Pedro and B'alam Mateo Toledo (Q'anjob'al); and Sisilia Lutui, Sofia Tolu, and Melenaite Taumoefolau (Tongan). For helpful discussion of this work I am indebted to Bernard Comrie, Jessica Coon, Amy Rose Deal, Marcel den Dikken, Caitlin Keenan, Itziar Laka, Beth Levin, Terje Lohndal, Nick Longenbaugh, Eric Potsdam, Omer Preminger, Peter Sells, two anonymous reviewers, and Companion to Syntax editors Henk van Riemsdijk and Martin Everaert. I am alone responsible for any errors in this work.

    SEE ALSO: Case: Oblique, Inherent, Semantic, Quirky; Freezing Effects; Object Shift in Scandinavian; Subextraction; Tough‐Movement; VOS Languages: Some of Their Properties


  1. 1 Unless indicated otherwise, the examples are from the author's fieldnotes. Abbreviations: adn = adnominal, aor = aorist, asp = aspect, fin = finite, lnk = linker, pers = personal marker, prp = preposition, rp = resumptive pronoun. All other abbreviations follow the Leipzig glossing rules.
  2. 2 Here and below the gap at the extraction site is represented atheoretically as ____ with a subscript.
  3. 3 Tough-movement also involves A′-movement (see Hicks 2009, and Depictive Secondary Predicates in Typological Perspective, for discussion and further references), but I am not aware of any ergative languages with tough-movement (Massam and Smallwood 1996 and Seiter 1980, ch. 4, suggest that tough-movement may exist in Niuean, but the data are not entirely clear).
  4. 4 For some languages, the presence or absence of the relevant subject-extraction feature may simply not be noted in WALS, or the information therein may be based on incomplete data.
  5. 5 In building his sample for WALS, Comrie does not count Basque among ergative languages. He characterizes it as an active–inactive language, where some intransitive subjects (S) can appear in the ergative, and others in the absolutive. Comrie also excludes Hindi from the list of ergative languages because he characterizes its alignment as tripartite (separate marking for S, A, and O). Various other ergative languages have similarly been excluded by the design of WALS, but the overall pattern remains the same.
  6. 6 Dyirbal is often cited as the only example of a language where syntactic ergativity appears to apply globally, as the phenomenon is found in relativization, control, and coreference across coordinate clauses (Dixon 1972; 1979; 1994; Manning 1996; among others). The existence of a language type of which Dyribal is the only representative is worrisome, and a number of researchers have argued that its apparent syntactic ergativity simply follows from a misanalysis of passive clauses as active and active clauses as antipassive (Jake 1978; Heath 1979; 1980; Polinskaja 1989). On closer scrutiny, there is no evidence for syntactic control or coordination based on the absolutive (Legate 2008b).
  7. 7 Antipassives often, but not always, correlate with imperfective or progressive clauses, which explains the introduction of an aspectual projection.
  8. 8 Of course, resumption in a relative clause is not exclusive to morphologically ergative languages. It is widely attested in accusative languages as well (Alexopoulou 2006; Across‐the‐Board Phenomena), but for the purposes of this chapter, the only relevant phenomenon is the resumption of ergative DPs at their extraction site in a relative clause.
  9. 9 Manning (1996, 34, 60–74) writes that, for certain languages, the conjunction-reduction analysis or purpose-clause analysis would have to be abandoned if the relevant constructions were analyzed “properly”.
  10. 10 The researchers whose work is surveyed in this section stipulate that the absolutive is assigned in an A′-position. The same approach is found in more recent work outside ergative languages (e.g., in Baker and Vinokurova 2010 accusative is assigned when the relevant DP raises to spec,C). It is also possible to imagine an analysis in terms of A-movement where the absolutive moves across the ergative. Since the ergative is an inherent case, this movement would not be problematic. Such an account would make the derivation more similar to object shift in familiar languages (for object shift, see Thráinsson 2003; Vikner 2007; and further references therein).
  11. 11 The form is called contemporative because it does not have its own temporal component and depends on the matrix verb for time anchoring. It is probably closer to a gerundive than an infinitive (Bok-Bennema 1991, 206–209; Crago and Allen 2001, 77).
  12. 12 For an analysis of topics in root clauses, see Aissen (1992); Svartman (2008); Avelino (2009).
  13. 13 Their proposal is similar in some ways to the one developed in Merchant (2009); however Merchant is mostly concerned with case licensing and does not discuss extraction asymmetries relevant to the current discussion.
  14. 14 The analysis would become more problematic if we were to assume that all vPs, even passives/unaccusatives, are phases (as proposed, for example, by Legate 2003).
  15. 15 Crucially, not all Mayan languages lack double object constructions; for example, Chol, Tzeltal, and Tzotzil have double objects, with the second object licensed by a low applicative (Aissen 1987, ch. 7; Jessica Coon, p.c.). However, languages with syntactic ergativity (high-absolutive languages in Coon, Mateo Pedro, and Preminger's system) lack such structures.
  16. 16 Verb-peripheral orders, and particularly verb-initial orders, are extremely common among ergative languages (Trask 1979; Mahajan 1994), although the generalization that ergative languages tend to be verb-peripheral is only a trend, as there are a number of verb-medial ergative languages as well (Drehu, Kashmiri, Pari, Nez Perce, Paumare, Diyari, Gugada, Gumbaynggir, Ritharngu, Thargari, Wangkumara, Yukulta, Yulbaridja).
  17. 17 The accounts surveyed here do not commit to analyzing the DP-ergative as either inherent or structural case, and it is possible that there may be different subtypes of that case. For example, Režać, Albizu, and Etxepare (2014) analyze the ergative in Basque, a language without syntactic ergativity, as a structural case. It remains to be seen if such an analysis can be extended to other ergative DPs.
  18. 18 A similar analysis might be applied to by-phrases in passives, but this would not lead to syntactic ergativity.
  19. 19 This relativization is subject to subtle semantic and pragmatic constraints, which generally make the extraction of inanimates less acceptable. This is an issue beyond syntax, and we will not explore it here.
  20. 20 Criterial freezing is the only account discussed in this chapter that may potentially permit syntactic ergativity outside the domain of morphological ergativity, since it is the only account that does not incorporate variations in transitivity into the analysis of the ergative.
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